Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The rules in my place it's so simple,I don't mind having my friends anytime aday.I expect my friends to call me before they come over my place.Also,it depends how i am close to the person i invite to my place.For exmaple,if i invite a close friend to my place there will be no rules,because the kind of friendship we have backhome we dont put too many rules between good friends.In my opinion Cnadaians are more consrtetive when it comes to inviting people to their place.In many countries in the world people usually dont like to get late phone calls.I get really annoyed if smeone calls me late ,but if was un urgent i dont realy mind.Sinc i dont put to many rules i think my friend backhome and here feel more comfortable in my place.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

As endvisuals colors meanings are different from person to other.when i think about the color blue first thing cross my mind is sky and sea.When i think about the color yellow i think of flowers.The color white is my favorite color it represents relax,enjoy,happyness.In my opinion red assoisted with crimes,bloods.The color green remind me of good views,plants,neture.The color black means nights,sadness,nightmears. In the othe hand colors means little different to Canadian individuals. I asked my canadians friends and i found out that red means Fire,Flames the hocky team.White means peace. Black represents sadness.Green is plants,grass.Yellow means gold for many Canadians.Blue means sky. i learnd that colors express feelings and people emotions. Also, the colos meanings are little bet different from country to other. It was nice to learn somthing new about colors .

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I want to study English because i want to study at University of calgry.In order to that

i have to be capable of English.Althoug,i did not dicide my major yet.I like to play

soccer,hung out with my friend,and play basctball in my free time.I read newspeaper usully

out of the class to get more vocoblry and to rognaiz the words spelling.I signed for

English courses when i was in the U.s year ago at Sothren illinois University.The most

diiffcult thing about learning English is writing espisaly orgnising the thoughts.The

easist part is speaking.Even though it's hard to get cearten people accent.

Friday, May 9, 2008


helo how you doing?