Sunday, May 11, 2008


I want to study English because i want to study at University of calgry.In order to that

i have to be capable of English.Althoug,i did not dicide my major yet.I like to play

soccer,hung out with my friend,and play basctball in my free time.I read newspeaper usully

out of the class to get more vocoblry and to rognaiz the words spelling.I signed for

English courses when i was in the U.s year ago at Sothren illinois University.The most

diiffcult thing about learning English is writing espisaly orgnising the thoughts.The

easist part is speaking.Even though it's hard to get cearten people accent.

1 comment:

Desert Surfer said...

Hello Nabil,

Finally we are linked. As for writing, you need to think in English in order to structure your thought accordingly. Revision of the same assignment helps also a lot. But hang in there, you will make it by the end of this term.

Nice having you in class,
